Error when transferring BTC from one address to another address

Error when transferring BTC from one address to another address

While creating bitcoin exchange, when transferring BTC from one address to another address, I got the following error:

[root@mail4 ~]# curl "http://localhost:3030/merchant/b95d272b-34fa-4cb5-8ca5-d5c1e0e29a97/payment?password=@1234567890#&to=b84a2cf1-fb7a-45dd-975c-3542ea1af64e&amount=10000&from=b95d272b-34fa-4cb5-8ca5-d5c1e0e29a97&fee=100100"
No destination set.
No origin set.
1515140164672 - error: ERR_BUILDTX


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